For more than 15 years, VERTIC designs and produces user-friendly fall protection systems for safety at height and offers solutions for roofing, climbing ladders or masts, walkways, pipes or dams etc., and other types of fall endangered areas. Their specially designed systems for 180° inclined work areas is ideal for the energy sector.
The versatile VERTIC systems allow the clients to undertake works and inspections safely and thus dramatically increase the work safety of your company.
TESO is a business partner for the energy sector for Italy and Austria.

Cable lifeline systems horizontal BATILIGNE
- EN 795: class C
- Max: 5 people
- Economic
- Easy handling with only one carabiner.
- Allows a big movement clearance without disconnecting.
- Maximum distance between the intermediated mounts is 15m.

Cable lifeline systems horizontal ALTILIGNE
- EN 795 class C
- Max: 5 people
- The runner permits uninterrupted movement along the line.
- The runner can be moved from distance around the curves.

Cable lifeline systems vertical VERTILIGNE
- EN 353 – 2
- Certified without separate energy absorber
- The runner can be easily insert at the bottom from the line or at any other point too
- Ensures a unidirectional blocking

Cable lifeline system inclined COMBILINE
- EN 795 class C
- EN 353 – 2
- Bidirectional blocking runner
- The range of application reaches continuously from 0° to 180°
- Can be connected at any point of the cable

Fall arrst rail system horizontal ALTIRAIL
- EN 795 class D
- It provides the shortest possible fall distance
- Because of the rigidity of the rail is a rescue easily manageable
- There is a possibility to connect different rail lines between crossing elements
- The direction changer can be also controlled electronical

Fall arrst rail system vertical VERTIRAIL
- EN 353 – 1
- Mountable on the steps of a ladder
- Unidirectional blocking
- Fitted with a shokabsorber

Fall arrest rail system inclined COMBIRAIL
- EN 795 class D
- EN 353 – 1
- There is only one rail type for all applications
- It is possible to disconnect the locking function on rails less than 15°
- The runner blocks bidirectional
- The applications area reaches from 0° to 180°